About Resilience
Global social and community resilience initiatives focuses on improving the ability of communities to withstand various challenges and build back bette.
The investment in the resilience field is over 100 million dollars annually, with an expected annual growth rate of 7%. This growth highlights the increasing recognition of the importance of strengthening community resilience in domains such as health and security.
About the program
The Resilience accelerator program is an intensive program designed to help early-stage startups develop their idea into a viable product and bring it to market..
The program offers every milestone necessary for growth - from guidance in building a business model, preparing presentations for investors, assistance in securing funding, development consulting. It also involves with key figures in the Hi-Tech industry, venture capitalists, and investors.
The program concludes with a Demo Day, where entrepreneurs will present their ideas to private investors, venture capital funds, and strategic partners, with the potential to move forward with technological and operational challenges.
Vision Statement
The Resilience Accelerator supports groundbreaking solutions that address resilience challenges. By fostering cutting-edge technologies and transformative ideas, we aim to empower communities, strengthen resilience in Sderot and the South of Israel.
Advisory Board
Our Partners
Sami Turgeman
Former Commander
of the Southern
Command, Chairman of NogaCompan
Hanan Gefen
Israeli Military Attache
in China, Former Commander
of Unit 8200
Sagit Palatin Yifrach
Director of Innovation at
Sapir College
Prof. Yoram Yovell
Psychiatrist and neuroscientist
Hila Gonen-Brazil
Director of Sderot Resilience Center